When Jesus teaches the disciples how to pray in Luke chapter 11 he says, "Give us each day our daily bread." I have always thought of that in a very literal sense, asking God for the daily needs this flesh requires-mainly food. A thought occurred to me though. Jesus also says referring to himself, "I am the bread of life," (John 6:35). Could this prayer then be interpreted, "give us our daily Jesus?" or "give me the portion of Jesus I need to face all that this day holds for me?" I wish I knew Greek.
It is profound to me that this flesh of ours rages against our spirit-constantly. There is an ongoing battle between this shell we reside in or "outer tent" as the Bible calls it, and the spirit within. I think regarding the battle, we are required be aware. We must recognize the war between our flesh and spirit and that one will inevitably be in submission to the other. And so, for this battle, I wonder...need we ask God for our daily Jesus?
In church world we often speak of "taking up our crosses daily" to follow after Christ. How can we "take up a cross" without Jesus' help? How can we place ourselves on the altar, laying down our flesh, our weakness, our imperfections and walk away without filling up our vessel with Jesus?
Sometimes, I need Jesus just to crawl out of bed in the morning. I need Him to guide me as I school my kids and change dirty diapers and do laundry for the thousandth time. I need His life to come alive inside me so that there is dancing rather than mourning and joy in place of sorrow. I need my portion so I can do the things that He has called me to do. Sometimes I don't want to. If I am being honest, sometimes I just want to crawl under my covers and not come out for a few months.
I need that daily bread so that this life of mine, which is so not glamourous, actually means something. I want it to be defined by Him and His presence in it, His work in it, His glory in it. I want my flesh to be left behind on that altar and His Spirit to overtake me in such a way that I don't exist. He is our portion. He is our life. He is our joy, our hope, our promise.
A friend of mine once told me that her family defines provision as having exactly what you need to accomplish what God has called you to do. He has called me out to look like Him and I need His provision in order to do that. I need Him to bind my wounds, heal my scars, and transform this heart of mine. He makes all things new. He makes all things whole.
Thank you, Jesus, that today you are my daily bread. Thank you that your grace truly is sufficient and that your pursuit of your people goes far beyond our running. Thank you that you chase after us with such abandon and passion, that you not only gave all for us, you continue to give us all hour by hour, minute by minute so that we are able to glorify the Father in spite of this wretched flesh of ours. You are lovely and you are MY daily bread.
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